Saturday, August 8, 2009

Girls, The Day Is Winding Down, And I Am Not Through Yet!!!!

Honey, I am telling you, I still have to go home, food shop and prepare for my culinary voyage so I can feel like Amy Adams, if only I could look like her. But just a few minutes ago, girl, I met this guy--Mark--and there was a definite sexual attraction. He was wearing a collar and I think he wants me to dominate him, which is fine if I can get him to--clean my apartment, put up some new shades, put up some posters; I mean, if one is going to have a Slave, one should get something out of it than milked testicles!!!! Oh, darlings, aren't I just too much!

Guess you can tell it is Saturday night and I am without a man. Do you think Amy Adams has this problem? Hell, no! Maybe I should have lyposuction; I feel right now like Al Roker, who is still a porker, by the way!!!!

Darling, what does a girl have to do to land a husband? I hope all this cooking and cleaning pays off. Tomorrow I have to get up and bleach my apartment so it is like a gardenia scented garden instead of the putrid mess it is NOW. At least it does not smell like a dead cow, like the meeting room I was in earlier!!!!

So just like Amy it is uptown, the #7 and more of "Julie and Julia." See you in your panties, girls!!!!!!!!!11

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