Sunday, August 9, 2009

Well, Girls, I Am On My Way!!!!

Darlings, let tell you it has been a whirlwind twenty four hours. Yesterday morning on my way to work at my glamorous, career marginal job, I get off at the subway stop to the office, and, still on a BIG high from "Julie and Julia", throw my arms out and cry out cheerfully "I feel like Amy Adams!" I mean, it was SO my Amy Adams moment that I am sure Amy herself would have been proud. And what happens. This homeless guy lying nearby takes one look at me, scrunches his eyes and shakes a hand at me dismissively! I mean, to be dissed by a homeless guy! Is this what my life has come to? But it tells me that even the homeless know who Amy Adams is, so there is hope for everyone!

This morning of course was my chance to be a domestic goddess a la Amy. And I still have to bleach the apartment,or at least the bathroom. But this morning--all by myself-- I made my first fruit smoothie! I cut, peeled, chopped and blended and it came out wonderful-bananas, strawberries and nectarines. Girls, I was so excited I wanted to call Amy. But she is too busy with her movie, and deservedly so!!!!! Now I am going to get a dish wand to clean my blender,
and maybe even make some simple pasta dish with sauce which I can take to work for lunch or dinner all week! Darlings, I am getting in touch with my Amy-ness and I LOVE it!!!!!

Maybe by early winter I will be ready for boeuf bourgenon! In the meantime, it is back to all this work, girls, and then I have to go into the city, looking my best to sing and schmooze! Darlings, with my life it does not let up for a second. Stay tuned for more, darlings, there will surely be more to follow!

Love to all, girls!

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