Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Girls, You Must Be Wondering Where I Have Been!!!!

Do any of you think I would forget my faithful readers? My darlings???? Well, let me tell you it has been a rocky couple of days. Sunday began so perky but descended into malaise and isolation where I could not move myself from the couch by being emotionally overwhelmed by the burden that is my life. Now while some of you may think it is all about lunch with Meryl, Amy or Anna, sometimes, girls, things can get a bit daunting, what with potential cancer and major dental work looming on the horizon! Plus maintaining my career glam NYC job which I have to take time off from to tend to my medical needs, which leaves me behind on things I need to do here. But I am back, loves, so never think you are forsaken!!!!

Still no husband or personal asssitant! Cannot believe there are no enterprising young men in this town called New York who are dying to work for them. They get from me a recommendation to a top flight firm; maybe even a job with Anna!

And I haven't cooked for days! May God, Meryl and Amy forgive me! If Amy knew, I don't know what she would do, but then I am not invincible like she and Meryl!!!!

Oh, honey, I am telling you, what I have to face on Thursday and Monday!!!! Have mercy on me, lambs! But don't think for a second that I am going to neglect my reading, accessories and designers! Especially since this is Fashion Week, which I will report on next week, as I bring news firthand of what is to come this spring!

Darlings, don't you just love it! Now find me a man NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

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