Saturday, September 12, 2009

Happy "Frank Mills" Day, Girls!!!!!

Yes, darlings, we have arrived at another September 12. For those who do not yet know the importance of this day, the following:

"I met a boy called Frank Mills,
On September 12th, right here, in front of the Waverly.
But, unforutnately, I lost his address.
He was last seen with his friend,
A drummer,
He resembles George Harrsion of the Beatles,
But he wears his hair tied in a small bow at the back.
I love him, but it embarasses me,
To walk down the street with him.
He lives in Brooklyn somewhere, and wears this white crash helmet.
He has gold chains on his leather jacket,
And on the back are written the names,
Mary, and Mom, and Hell's Angels.
I would gratefully appreciate it,
If you see him, tell him,
I'm in the park, with my girlfriend,
And please,
Tell him Angela and I,
Don't want the two dollars back.
Just him."

Since 1978, save for 9/11, I have been performing this at said location and will do so again tonight. Girls, I have vocalized and I am ready. Especially after seeing the cutest bunch of girls in the cutest show last night, "The Marvelous Wonderettes." Honey, it is all the girl group songs of our youth, and I am telling you I was surprised there was no dancing in the aisles, especailly during "The Shoop Shoop Song." Then tonight I am having dinner with my cherub, and hopefuly on Monday will find out what can be done about my foot. I telll you, I feel like I am falling apart, which I cannot do, what with the Fall season upon us--shows, operas, galas and openings! And I have to have a wardrobe for each occasion. Where is that personal assistant I need? How come I have not recieved any applications? Darlings, I am simply FABULOUS to work for! And think of the credit for your resume! So polish yours off, dolls and apply. Meanwhile get out there and enjoy yourselves because soon we will all be operating from indoors!

And find me a husband!!!!!!!!!!!!

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