Thursday, September 17, 2009

Honestly, There Is Nothing Like A Nice, Relaxing Serial Killer Story!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, with all the stress I have been under, "The Rosary Girls" is such fun. Some sicko in Philly is offing Catholic teenage schoolgirls, so you have the whole skirt and nymphet, factor, darlings, which reminds me of the Catholic school girls of my youth who easily fell into two categories--repressed religious nuts whose virginity was maxed, and sluts who began gulping penecillin pills as soon as they started ovulating. One of these was Christine Oswald, and let me tell you, she and her frateranl twin Eric were a piece of work. Somehow they made it through 8 grades at St Paul's but could not get in any parochial high schools because they were so dumb. Eric was named Freshman Playboy of the Year and Chris had so many names, and you know them all. But she went the way of all sluts, coming to a bad end that she probably deserved in a car accident, because you can bet that if she was like this in high school she got worse and blowsy looking as an adult!

But, lambs, we just love our serial killer in this book, and I am pretty sure I know who it is--that guy Patrick--so we shall see if I am right, loves. I want to get into his sick, sordid, twisted
mind to see what is motivating him to sew up vaginas. That's one way to keep a bitch quiet!!!!
I think there is more than religion motivating him, and I may have to stay up all night to find out why.
Hell, I love serial killers so much I probably have dated a couple in my time. You can bet I won't cook for them!!! In fact I have this side business called Serial Killers Incorporated. Are you looking for a serial killer? I will help you find one. My mission is to track down serial killers and psychologically annilhtate them until they are BEGGING for prison or execution. And let me say up front I am only dealing with MALE serial killers, because those female ones are just too skanky for me! But this is getting away from the subject--girls, curl up tonight and relax with a nice serial killer story, like "The Rosary Girls. It will make you think and, honey let me tell you that is an achievement! So have a great evening girls, and read whatever serial killer story you can find! Nothing beats it!!!!!!!!!!

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