Friday, September 18, 2009

Girls, There Is So Much That Needs To Be Said!!!

Well, darlings, I finished my nice, relaxing, serial killer story, "The Rosary Girls," and it left me starved for more by Richard Montanarri, who writes exclusively books about serial killers! He should talk to some of my dates. Or I should tell him about him. And he stumped me--the killer did NOT turn out to be Patrick Farrell, but a minor figure, an ambulance paramedic named Andrew Chase. Now, most of the time, I have sympathized with serial killers; they have generally been done wrong by life, usually women, which I can relate to going back to high school and Mrs. Santamarina and the whole goddamn National Honor Society...honey, don't get me started, and the motive for the killer in the novel is sympathetic enough, but it does not justify killing the victims he does, and it leaves some questions unanswered.

Basically, this is the story of Andrew Chase and his wife Katherine, a young, married couple, expecting their first child. On a stormy Christmas eve, alone in a Burger King, Katherine's water breaks, and she goes into labor. Jessica Balazano, a rookie police officer, happens to be on the scene, and while she tries to get help, an exceptionally bad snowstorm makes it difficult, so she tries getting Katherine to the hospital, but she miscarries in the back seat of Jessica's car. Later that evening, her crazed husband Andrew throws blood over the door of St. Katherine's church. Though the Chases are told they can have other children, Katherine does not conceive and this puts a strain on Katherine's nerves and the marriage. Three years later, maddened by loss and grief that have not been dealt with, Andrew concocts a bizarre scheme to kill five Catholic school girls during Holy Week, with each one recreating a scene from the Sorrowful Mysteries. But none of the girls--Nicole Taylor, Tessa Wells, Bethany Price, Lauren Samanski, as well as Chase's compatriot Simon Close deserve to die, as they have done nothing to them directly. If I were a serial killer, darlings, I would go after those members of the National Honor Society who got what I should have--David Clewell, David A. Cohen, David L. Cohen, Diane Dykeman (that bitch!!!!) , Alan Karo, Kathryn Quaintence, Roberta Widman (Miss Princess Bitch) and Paula Weiss, as well as Teddy Klaus(he got all the attention!!!!). But then this iss real life and I am NOT a serail killer. But I DON'T forget!!!!

So Andrew knocks off those who do not deserve it, and thereby becomes a monster. It is his hope that these girls will act as sacrifices that will lead to the resurection of his stillborn infant daughter. Insane, but it makes sense. What does NOT--and I challenge Mattanarri to tell me why--is the final act of Chase sewing together the girls vaginas. To preserve their chastity??
He obviously has no issues with vaginas as he has pounded disgusting pussy. But in the meantime his wife has recently been committed to a mental institution so he is not getting any, which may lead to him doing this to resist temptation. But the sewing thing makes no sense.

Nor does Chase's capacity for evil, because while the death of his daughter and subsequent marital deterioration unhinged him, this capacity comes from somewhere or sometime long before this incident took place--in his upbringing or peer experience during his early years--and Mattanarri never lets us in on that.

Honey, I know my serial killers. That is why I have started my side business--SKI--Serial Killers, Incorporated. Looking for a serial killer? I will help you find one! Not for recruitment purposes--there are other organizations for that but for surcease. If you or your family have been victimized by a serial killer I will track the scum/lowlife down and psychologically annilihate him to the point where he is BEGGING for prison or execution!!!!!! So remember that, darlings--Serial Killers, Incorporated.

Speaking of scum, how about that Raymond Clark III? He is a piece of work, with his "needs to be in charge attitude." Reminds me of a fat bitch coworker of mine, who better keep her fat mouth shut, because there could be a workplace violence incident here too if she is not careful because her insidious behavior towards everyone incites hatred from all! And I am NOT one to take crap from ANYONE! Let alone White Trash!

Let me tell you, I would like just five minutes in a room with that Clark scum. I would take him apart, and then he would WISH to be locked up! Cut his balls off, and castrate him, I say!!!!

Darlings, see, there IS more to me than society balls! But I cannot wait to read more Richard Mattanarri, and see what happens to that scum Clark. And I still want vengeance on not having the adolescence I should have had which has led to me not fulfilling my potential, and becoming not just a Raving Queen, but a Bitter Old One.

Oh, and let's hope no nail biopsy. The dentist will be bad enough on Monday. But not to worry, girls! Despite the somewhat grim tone of this entry, I LOVE you all, and will return with more social mayhem soon!

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