Thursday, September 24, 2009

Girls, I Am SO In Need of A Shopping Excursion!!!!

Of course, darlings, you would think I have been excurting all week, what with "Little House On The Prairie--The Musical" at Paper Mill on Sunday, and "The Royal Family" on Tuesday, it seems like it has been one grand ball with theater after theater night.

Well in a manner of speaking, it has. But then there is the other side.
It seems like every workplace has a toxic character or two. Let me tell you about Miss Toxicity where I work. Miss Tox, to coin a phrase, is a post middle aged, overbearing cow, with the sallow face of a vulture, who thinks she is in a position of authortiy, when in actuality she would not pass muster as one of Santa's elves on the assembly line. She prowls the hallways like the vice principal of a middle school, making libelous statements to staff members when she has no idea what is going on. The majoirty of us are educated well beyond she, and care about doing a professional job; honey, with my Anna Wintour instincts you know I do, but this kind of behavior is insulting when it is administered to by someone as out of touch with the nature of how things are done as Miss Tox.

Oh, but there is more. So some of us are not trained enough to work certain spots where we are supposed to? Well, whose fault is that? And how can we be trained when people will not give up their little fiefdoms? Someday this place is going to need us to run things, and then what do you do? Send an actor onstage in a lead role after a cold reading???? Well that is what is going on here. Listen, you give me a cold reading, babycakes and I will run with it! But I will not be ignored and I will not be plotted against. Which is what is happening. And my friend Harvey is not the only one who can file lawsuit, either! I have enough on a lot of people here to send them to the slammer for good!

Listen, I can run this place better than ANYONE here, and if things do not change I am ging to give it a chance! I have already designed MY schedule for next week, and compared to what the actual one is, there is a world of difference. If was not sure I would say I was being forced out of here, well they are not going to succeed. They are going to have to physically push me out the door! But not before I get my licks in!

Girls, I have been so upset I have not been able to cook. Now I have to deal with the dentist, and after getting a Julia Child cookbook, I DO have to come up with something! So
that is the story girls, and I promise you there is more to follow! It's going to get better and more EXPLOSIVE! Hope my make-up isn't ruined!!!!

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