Friday, October 2, 2009

Girls, I Know What You Must Be Thinking....

...that here it is already October 2--the Feast of the Guradian Angels--and that I have vanished from the face of the earth, and you, my precious readers, my lambs! Well, girls, things have been busy, what with all the workplace drama going on here, the root canal I had this week and next, and the trials and tribulations of my friend Harvey and David. Do you know how annoying it is to chew out of one side of your mouth? And I am not even going to talk about sex. Don't get me started.

Well, with the weather and my teeth, now is the perfect time to get back into the kitchen and make home made soup. I am going to start with chicken noodle, and then there is a potato and onion I want to try, so girls, lots of time at Key Food this weekend, because that is where the better stuff is. And I have to think about my wardrobe for my upcoming FLA trip, and try to finish the William Vollmann novel, which is challenging even MY brilliance, dears, so I don't advise you attempting it. Who knows--I may not finish it--life is too short!

To think I only posted 14 times in September. Girls, I will try and make it up to you in October. And with the holidays looming, who knows what culinary adventures will be in store.
And then certain people who will be nameless can kiss my ass and go to Hell, for all that they are worth anything. I am telling you, girls, if we have any more drama, I am going to burst one of my girdles. I want peace and calm, darling, peace and calm. See you in the kitchen tomorrow for soup!!!!!

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