Friday, October 9, 2009

Darlings, Us Girls Have Got To Have Our Kitchens!!!!!

Girsl, this morning I was back in the kitchen after shopping and I made a scrumptious Spaghetti alla Ceci. Or in this case Linguine, as I prefer that. But, darlings, I am telling you I have GOT to get a food processor, because this mashing of chic peas (the ceci) has left me arms as tired as I if I had been pumping iron with Eric Evans, which I should be so lucky to. And of course I was not as organized as Miss Rachel Ray, so I overdid the spices a bit. But it all came out right in the end. And a whole day away from the Hell Palace with cooking helped suppress my rising anxiety about plane travel next week, and being away from NYC, which is always a bone of contention with me. But in the kitchen this morning I was back feeling like Amy Adams and Julie Powell. Now if I can just get through the rest of this month and November we shall see what happens. And after this recipie, who knows what is next. Stay tuned, girls, as I explore more cuisine, shop for fall fashions, and prepare myself for the next social gathering. I am sure my ensemble will be perfect, as will yours, dears! Till then!!!!!!!!!!!!

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