Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Girls, It Is Time For A Coffee Klatch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that Victor has had his coffee, let me say I cannot function without it in the morning. I mean, darlings, before my beauty regime and facial I have got to have caffeine in my veins. Things can get real ugly if I don't. And speaking of ugly, the female serial killer in Richard Montanari's "Deviant Way" brings new meaning to the famous c-word. Darling, I hope this bitch gets slammed against the wall, just like some psychos in life I know. And this for having plowed through all of William T. Vollmann's "Europe Central," which was worth it, but never again. Girls, I just don't know. We have got to have fun, whether it is playing the career girl act or being in the kitchen like Julie Powell. Stay tuned, girls!!!!

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