Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Darlings, We Are Getting Closer!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, this morning I took my action and called Caprese Car Service to take me to LaGuradia Airport on Saturday morning at 10:15. This is the first step in my journey to Florida, which I am guessing will be taking place. Girls, I am beat. After the shit that has gone down here, I need to be outta here; I should go to Cascade like Bette Davis in "Now, Voyager," but when you are not one of the Vales of Boston, what can one do???? And tonight I have to do a book trip, but I have to stock up on having plenty to read for my soujourn South, though Florida is hardly what I would call the South. It is the Ersatz South, not the true South that we all done love thanks to Misses Margaret Mitchell and Harper Lee! And hell, afte my book trip I may do a Manducatis trip, unless I want to go home and have my Julie Powell cooking experience; we shall see how the day transpires. But I am actually almost packed, girls, and I think I will be travelling pretty light, considering. Tomorrow is "Pinky," so I will let you know if I make it! Darlings, you are all SO fabulous but remember to take your cue from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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