Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Girls, Can You Believe Where This Day Has Gone?

Darlings, I am telling you, one minute I was pulling myself out of bed, and now it is almost quitting time. In between I discovered I will probably be heading to FLA this Saturday, had a session with my therapist, and my Stitch and Bitch meeting where not too much S and B went on this time, as we did not have any incompetent fat pigs around to inject their incompetent fat pig opinios into the proceedings. Then I have to have dinner with girls, and next thing you know I will be in front of the mirror, fixing my facce with cold cream for bed. Make sure you have plenty of cold cream on hand, girls, we cannot afford to be without it, if you want to keep as looking as gorgeous as I am, darlings!!!! And tomorrow we have another scintillating day that will boil down till vacation time when all HELL will break lose!!! So keep your eyes planted on this blog, lambs, because there will reports many and sundry on all sorts of things!!! Maybe even a trip to the Film Forum on Thursday to see "Pinky!" My pinky finger is tired from all this typing but I just had to tell all my readers out there not to despair, I will continue in the face of whatever adversities continue to be thrown at me!!! And damnit if I don't throw them right back, which is why I am such a B-I-T-C-H, girls!!!!! But not all the time, of course!!!!!!

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