Friday, October 30, 2009

Darlings, Where Has This Week Gone?????

Well, it is Friday, girls, the day before Halloween, and I have yet to get my hair done! I mean, what am I supposed to do? But I just HAD to check out the Halloween double feature at the Film Forum--Susan Strasberg in "Scream of Fear," which I had never seen, and what a "Gaslight" hoot, and Vincent Price in "Theater of Blood," with his delightfully deranged daughter Diana Rigg! Darlings, for all of us who have been denied awards, this will get the juices flowing!!!!!

And in less than three hours I have to be at a Halloween/birthday party, and not much to show for it! If only my gift buying budget matched that of Meryl Streep!!!!!

Oh, and there is more on Jonathan Tropper. If his book makes the 100 Most Notable Books of the New York Times, I may not agree with it, but I CAN live with that. However, if it is put on the Ten Best List, which means one of the Five Best Works of Fiction published this year, you can bet the Times is going to hear from me. I just wish the spirit of Jane Austen would rise up from the grave and slap Mr. Tropper across the face. And that all three Brontes would resurect to kick his sorry middle aged boy butt!!!!!! I would pay to see that , girls!!!!!!!!!!!

But on to more fun things--I have decided to make what Amy made in the movie--Chicken in Mushroom Cream Sauce, with a salad, Asparagus in Hollandaise Sauce, and Raspberry Bavarian Cream for desert. A date has not been set, so I cannot tell you when this will happen, but as soon as the date is set, I will let you know. Girls, this could make or break me!!!!

And speaking of being broken, Monday looms, which means not only back to work and dealing with psychos both patrons and staff, but I have to get back into that goddamn girdle!!!!!
Girls, have you any idea how liberating the past two weeks have been without a girdle??? The feminist movement had it all wrong. It was the girdles, not the bras, that should have been burned!!!!!!!!!!

So that is it for today, and no costume for Audrey's Halloween bash tomorrow as yet. Although with my looks, darlings, who needs a costume. What I need is a designer, a manicurist, and most of all a HUSBAND!!!!!!!!!!

Hope all your treats are TRICKS this weekend, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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