Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween, Girls!

Darlings, I have ALWAYS LOVED the Collyer Brothers!!!! They are now the subjects of E.L. Doctorow's "Homer and Langley," and although the siblings have been written about and dramatized before, he mines a touching and poignant tale of New York eccentricity. The reason I love the Collyers is that they did what I increasingly more want to do--say FUCK YOU to the world, not pay taxes, ,and live in their own world where NO ONE ELSE can touch them. I mean, darlings, who would not want that? It is like returning to your childhood, now that you are an adult, which is just fine with me, darlings. So I urge you all to read it!!!!

But it is Halloween, girls, and that means, ghoulies and ghosties. It also means I have to be at Audrey's by eight o clock, presumably in some kind of get up, though I just do not think that is going to happen.

And in just two days I am going to have to face work again, with disturbed lesbians, and all that goes with it. And just 18 days from now I turn 55, which I cannot believe, since my professional age, lambs, is only 24!!!! To think that another year is almost history, and then just two months from today, we say goodbye to 2009. It has been a rough year; can 2010 be any worse??? Darlings, I hope not, we need a break!!!!

But my break is writing to all of you, keeping you up on how fabulous my life is, girls, because someone has to report about it, and it might as well be yours truly. And what a plethora of films coming up on the viewing circuit--"The Red Shoes" and "On The Waterfront" no less and maybe "The Wizard Of Oz" the night before my birthday, which would be fitting!!!!!

So I am ready to gird those loins and don that girdle on Monday! In the meantime, have a scrumptious Halloween, girls, and collect lots of candy to induce a sugar rush in all of you!!!!
Cheers, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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