Thursday, November 5, 2009

Girls, You Would Not Believe The Week I Have Had!!!!!

Darlings, I am telling you, no sooner do I get back to town then all Hell breaks lose. Of course another visit to the dentist, followed by another next week, not to mention two other doctor appts.--and I am not yet 60. Last night I saw Tracy Lett's new play "Superior Donuts," and darling it is a satisfying theater experience. My love life should only be such, but then who am I kidding? And now I hear Donna McKechnie, no less, is going to be at Barnes and Noble, so, honey, I have to hit that bar so I can dance for her!!!!! And tonight I am going to see "Ragtime," which I was not crazy about 11 years ago, let's see if this production makes a difference. And tomorrow I have to do laundry and errands and catch "A Streetcar Named Desire" at the Film Forum--girls, how do I do it, not being in my twenties anymore? Although my PROFESSIONAL age was an always will be 24!!!!!!!!! Never forget that, lambs? And speaking of lambs, we cannot wait to see "Precious," which I am sure will be as precious as due the moments we two have shared. Honestly, this study in deviance and obesity has been the toast of the film festival circuit, I cannot wait to see how self righteous New York audiences react to it.

And how am I going to react to not having new outfits for all the upcoming holiday parties. Plus what am I doing for Thanksgiving? And my birthday? Rest assured, girls, these will be celebrated, but how remains to be seen. To be answered in future installments, loves!!!!!!!!!

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