Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Well, Girls, At Least I Got My Hair Done!!!

And, darlings, I am telling you, so fabulous a job did the barber do, that within minutes I was cruised. Yes, girls, I was actually cruised! Who would believe it?

Seems like I have done nothing all week but go to doctors who bleed me dry and tell me how my health is declining. And with me about to turn 55 in exactly seven dies! Countdown, lambs!!!

But I did manage to catch a screening of "The Red Shoes," and let me tell you, darlings, that film still holds up. Anton Walbrook is MY love as Boris Lemontiv, and my decision would certainly have been to dance for HIM!!!! That Marius Goring as Julian Kastner was such a WUSS!!!!! Vicky was a fool to die for him!! And the Film Forum on an afternoon was PACKED!!!! I am telling you this film is getting a Renaissance, and it is about time. It is homaged in "A Chorus Line," you better believe it!!!!!!! Why do I want to DANCE??? Why do I want to LIVE???? Because, darlings, I MUST!!!!!!!!! Donna knows about this, you better believe it, which is why she hits that barre every day!!!!!!!!

Now I have something else to report, loves. You may recall my take on Mr. Jonathan Troper and his novel. Well, now I am reading "Lost In The Meritocracy" by Will Kurn, and while it is not nearly as offensive as Troper's work, I have had it up to here with STRAIGHT WHITE MALE WRITERS and their success!!! What about gay male writers? Why every time the NY Times hails a promising new male writer he is always STRAIGHT!!! I am sick of STRAIGHT MEN hogging everything. What do they want to hog next, ballet? I don't think so, girls!!!! At least Kurn doesn't use disgusting words like "pussy," but he hangs his heterosexuality out for all to see!!!!!! Let us have some gay male writers acknowledged, starting with this one. At least David Leavitt gets praised when he turns out something, but he has not been so prolific of late. And speaking of prolific, I better stop before my newly elevated blood pressure gets even more so!!!!! Girls, I cannot tell you how sick I am of this hetero mythos in literature!!! I am out to destroy it and I will destory them!!!! Bitches and straights, get off my runway!!!!! Fuck you all!!!

How do you like all that, girls? More cheerful talk next time!!!!!

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