Saturday, November 14, 2009

Girls, You Can't Go Home Again!!!!!!

Well, darlings, I guess Thomas Wolfe was right. Because today in honor of my upcoming natal day, Tom, my cherub, and I went to a place that meant a lot to me during my childhood--Snuffy's Steakhouse in Scotch Plains, New Jersey. I remember right by my grandmother's house in North Brunswick was a billboard advertising "10, 000 miles to Hong Kong...only a few miles to Snuffy's!" My mother said it had been around when she was in nursing school back in the early 30s. And as a child I thought it was so magical, what with its wooden 1940s atmosphere and those table lamps, and then sophisticated things like shrimp God it was right out of "Since You Went Away," and you could picture Claudette Colbert and Jospeh Cotten sitting nearby. Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!!! Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So today after almost 35 years, I find the place still thriving, but as a glorified reception palace known as Pantages Renaissance. We even saw some real Jersey bridesmaids, and, girls, their makeup was SO thick you just knew they WERE from Jersey!!!!!! And I finally had the sizzling T-Bone steak, which was most enjoyable!!! But, alas, as I found, the magic of my childhood could NOT be duplicated. So I suppose another 35 years will pass till my next visit.

But let me tell you, girls, that T Bone gave me more bone than I have had in awhile!!!!!! I need to get a husband and become a suburban housewife. And to think that on Tuesday evening, this Tuesday, when I am viewing "The Wizard Of Oz" at Chelsea, Heather Locklear is returning to "Melrose Place" as Amanda Woodward, the bitch we ALL love!!!! Darling, we all want to be like Amanda!!!!!!! Though let me tell you, NOTHING will top Sydney getting hit by a car at her wedding in her designer gown!!!!!!

I need a designer gown if I am going to catch a man, let alone celebrate my birthday!!!! For this year I wish peace and less stress. And weight loss so I can dance like Donna McKechnie, whose birthday is Monday. This is musical theater week, loves, because Sammy Williams' birthday was yesterday and we love him!!!

So tonight after wine and Snuffy's you can bet I can sleep tonight. But , lambs, I sure need to get more bone than Tbone. Stay tuned to see if I do!!!!!!!

Love to all, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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