Tuesday, November 24, 2009

....And It Is Only Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crazy things just keep happening, darlings, and what with Turkey Day approaching and then me having to work Friday and Saturday and closing out Special Collections, well I am telling you it is just too much. My day started, girls, with a major melt down over not finding my work ID, which is such bureaucratic BS, but then, lo and behold, where do I find it but at the Records Desk, so now I have to get up early anyway and go to SIBL, where no one wants to even be seen, and heaven knows what is going on. But at least I can read and relax for awhile, and see a Thanksgiving film and have a meal, though don't we all want to look like Maureen O'Hara in "Miracle On 34th Street." And can you believe, lambs, that neither THAT, nor "March of the Wooden Soldiers (with Laurel and Hardy and the Boogies in Boogieland) are scheduled to be aired for Thanksgiving TV. Traditions are just going out the window; I know some people who should do the same, but then they are done in by their assorted mental illnesses, so it all comes down to the same thing.

Have a lovely Thanksgiving, loves, and stay away from Cold Creamery. When I report back here girls, hopefully I will be more mellowed out, and less sleep deprived. Have a fabulous Turkey Day, everyone!!!!!

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