Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Girls, We Have To Maximize and Market Our Special Talents!!!!!!!!

.....Because, darlings, I am tellling you, if this blog is NOT a special talent, well, then, I don't know what is. And this insight comes from, of all things, the book I am currently reading, which is #98 on this lamb's Hit Parade of book read this year--"Columbine" by Dave Cullen. Now, I am not about to justify teen massacres, but Cullen makes a good case for Dylan Klebold, that if he had steered clear of Eric Harris, he might still be here maximizing his talents. But then there is just no telling with brain chemistry, and, as twisted as mine might be, darlings, it never crossed over into murder or massacre. Though I think about outdoing many with my beauty and glamour A LOT>

Girls, after our meltdown yesterday, it is nice to know that things got resolved regarding the ID, leaving me free for such pursuits as cooking, reading and the Clearview Chelsea. We shall see what kind of free break we can get. And to think that tomorrow is turkey day, with Harvey. a movie, and the Good Stuff. I wish you all a wonderful day, girls!!!!!!! Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!
Be daring tomorrow, watch "The Giant Claw," which is basically about a giant turkey from outer space while noshing on your meal. Who needs a football game, anyway. Do you think Anna Wintour wastes her time on that? Hell, she will probably be at the VOGUE offices tomorrow, so wouldn't we all like to have Thanksgiving with ANNA? Now is not that a warm, cozy thought!
Personally, I would rather cozy up to Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal, but that remains to be seen.
So now it is time to get out and about! Have a great day, and if you do not hear from me tomorrow remember to maximize all that you have to the FULLEST!!!!


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