Friday, November 27, 2009

Girls, How Am I Supposed To Wear A Girdle, After Yesterday???

Let me tell you, lambs, not only is having to work post Thanksgiving tough, but it is even touhger to have to squeeze into that goddamn girdle I have to wear at work, especially after gorging on all the lovely things we did yesterday. Thanksgiving is when we learn what Scarlett O'Hara REALLY went through in "Gone With The Wind," stuffing herself with viddles before the Twelve Oaks barbecue, and then being laced tightly into her corset by Mammy. Darlings, that is just what I was faced with this morning, because I still felt stuffed, and then I had to get into my girdle, so I could go to work!! And with no Mammy to help me!!! I need a loyal servant. Maybe a strapping houseboy in a loin cloth!!!!!

Thanksgiving was simply charming, what with the mild weather, Harvey at his most Harv ey-est, and seeing the Indie film "Staten Island," which made clear that that borough is a bedrock of insanity and that Vince D'Onofrio is heading from porker to the grotesquely obese!!! I mean, girls, what is his excuse? It isn't like he was doing a DeNiro playing Jake La Motta. Too much lasagna, Vince, darling!!! Of course, who are we to judege, as we don't have yet our Donna McKechnie "Chorus Line" figure, although, girls, believe me that is a goal for 2010!!!!! To think we have almost lived through a decade of the new century. Kiss this, Father Time!!!!!! And dinner at the Good Stuff was superb, and wasn't Valentine, our waiter, just the most charming thing??? I simply ADORE Valentine!!!!!!

But now it is time to get back to work and gear up for the holdiay season--shopping, parties and merriment. Do you know I have three parties on consecutive nights, darlings? My God, how am I going to do it? And what am I going to wear. I wish I could fly to Paris for designers--this is an emergency. Get me Oscar (de la Renta) on the phone, right now! We will just have to see how things turn out, everyone, and you can bet I will tell you all, darlings!

And how I will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. In fact most women wore open girdles with suspenders and nylon stockings up to about 1969-1970 and then most of them switched here in the British Isles to panty girdles and nylon tights and continued in most cases wearing the latter every day up to about 1978, so it's not all that long ago.
    And some of us got so used to it we continued wearing them to the present day.
    And yesabout girdle dependency , as many women reported, I've had it for years , long as I can remember. All that firm support gets to feel great after a while. All feeling of being squeezed actually stop then. and instead a feeling of being firmly encased and held up all around happens. This is particularly the case with your belly and the cheeks of your bottom, it gets to feel really snug back there.
    Then it happens that after you've been out of a girdle for a while you actually get to miss all that blessed support and want to get back in immediately.
    And that's how you get to wearing a girdle all the time without a bother on you. You do even forget you have it on , as the Ad says.

    But of course the biggest attraction of a girdle right up to today is being slimmer , trimmer and all held in and held up. And where you know your bottom is not swirling around as you walk in public either.

    Happy girdling all:-)))

  2. Yes, Queen, wearing a girdle all the time is no fun at times, but it has its consolations which we can see. Oh how I'm tempted in the morning to go without - until I see my belly and bum in the mirror. I sigh as I reach for my Playtex 18-hour, but it simply as to be done. I wriggle in and wiggle around, but I take care to leave it down underneath my bum so as to hold it up firmly, then I fasten my back suspenders ( garters), with the odd curse while I try to get the button into the hole with my hand between my legs and I bent forward -it's not very dignified but a b/f remarked that it's real sexy. Then I hoist the girdle up by the top hem in front, right up as far as I can , feeling the strain on the back straps. and only then I haul up my nylon s in front and fasten the sussies there. And now time for a little more wriggling and adjusting, but my belly begins to feel good, my bottom wonderfully supported, though my legs are all trussed up , pulled into together by the girdle's lower hem, and I can feel the familiar tug of my nylons as I walk, which is reassuring. btw put on the nylons on your legs before you pull up the girdle, saves you trying to bend over to put them on your feet with the girdle on!

    A couple of hours later and I want to take it off! That always happens. But I try to think of all the nice things , like the feel of the nylons around my feet - can't be beaten! I just let my belly go, I was sucking it in again by mistake because with a gordle on there's no need to do that. Ah it begins to feel great again holding my belly, and the way it hugs and supports my bottom is fabulous to feel. Yes the waistband IS really tight, must be the tightest thing in the universe, but I feel fabulous as I stroke my nylon-clad legs. They say black stockings are sexiest but I just like the 'ordinary' tan coloured.

    Ah now it's all coming right again, I feel my girdle simply hugging me beautifully everywhere, all over.I slip my hand up under my dress, caress the satin front panel and feel good. And now it's feeling good around my thighs and my nylons are feeling deadly everywhere, especially down around my calves.
    Would I, could I be without it all. Yes, and I'd feel more free, but a lot looser too and I can't stand that.
    Then I get into a conversation and I forget completely that I have it on! Tat happens all the time, and that's a great thing about being girdled.
    Another great thing is it makes me sit up straight, it gives me great posture. And at the back the tight waistband makes my back feel good. I always wanted somebody to tell me what it was like in a girdle and stockings, now I know and passing it all on to you.
    It's really nice, and when you get used to it it feels a lot nicer than not being girdled. At the start you notice all sorts of things, like having your buttocks always stuck together in there, like not being able to scratch an itch so well - though you can. And if all comes to all you can even insert your hand inside it to do whatever.
    I can't praise a girdle enough for all the essential work it does so well, but as time passes it actually becomes nice to wear one and wear it all the time. And always wear your knickers OVER your girdle, wearing them under is a misery so never done.
    A girdle may chaffe, in fact most of them do, especially after a few hours inside. So get up and walk around a bit and you'll feel a lot better straightaway. A girdled person always feels better standing up. Some people say they suffer from sitting on their suspenders ( garters) but it's never happened to me.

    Another little secret that will help you is that a girdle holds your internal organs where they are supposed to be, and this is the main reason that wearing a girdle can become so comfortable after a time. It's simply marvellous what a girdle does and how good it can eventually feel. Sorry for being so long-winded, Enjoy.

  3. Hi Katie here again with a few more tips. This girdle is "killing" me but I like it and what it does.
    Well it's not "killing" me at all, that's an old joke.

    It has me sitting up straight, tight as can be, humming all over, but nice and tight and the support is simply out of this world. It's the Playtex 18-hour Open Bottom Girdle with High Waist Band and nylons attached to my suspenders ( garters USA). I'm in a Carnival brand boned longline bra as well

    Thing about a dad-blamed girdle is that you have to accept it for what it is. A big problem is that the thing does not move. So the front panel , the waistband and every part of it are all exactly in the same place as they were hours ago when I put it on, 8 hours ago to be precise: it doesn't move like all other clothes , once you accept that you can join the club.
    And no need to take it off to drink beer. I gave up alcohol over five years ago, cigarettes over two years ago, but I always drank all the beer I wanted while in a tight girdle, but it still doesn't move, never. And that's what a lot of people can't accept about a girdle, get that into your head that the same piece of girdle stays exactly on the same piece of your body all day long and you'll get on great in a girdle.
    To wear a girdle first day and to continue successfully you must wear it for the most vain of motives, to look fabulous - but you must wear a girdle in all humility too, that's the contradiction that most women don't understand.
    This is for beginners. When you stand in a girdle first day you change your life.
    You walk differently , you bend differently ( at your knees), you have to sit up straight - expecially with a waistband , and above all you have to move carefully to mind your nylons.

    You'll wonder that first day how you'll ever cope. I'll tell you - after a couple of months a loose strap of your bra will trouble you more than your girdle!

    Your girdle is the one thing that will never bother you again, except getting it on in the morning, every morning. That's the one voluntary act you have to do, the rest is easy after that.

    Yes your buttocks will always be stuck together and wouldn't it be nice just to loosen the waistband for a minute, but you can't!

    The good news is that all the tightness begins not to matter at all, though it's always preferable to stand up rather than sit down. The firmness actually begins to feel real nice, your belly relaxes completely into that unyielding front panel, you really begin to feel good. And only women like us are privileged to be allowed to wear a girdle - though men have quietly worn them for aeons:-)

    And nobody ever again is going to be able to pinch your butt.
