Monday, November 30, 2009

Won't You Join Me For Tea and Tartlets????

Darlings, even before the votes are in I am telling you--A.S. Byatt's "The Children's Book" is the literary event of this year, a Victorian cornucopia of literary references, stories withn stories and everything guaranteed to press the buttons of all us most dedicated literary readers. It also introduces--at least to me, girls!-- a new word called tartlets. These are pastried delicacies one has with high tea, only instead of being called tarts they are tartlets. Don't you just know I would love a little tartlet this minute; and not just the puff pastry kind. Hell, I have known throughout my life all shares of tarts AND tartlets; personally I would rather be considered a tartlet than a tart, though some might call me both. These are the same people whose first Broadway musical was "The Black Crook" when they were six years old.

So during this holiday season, in honor of this fabulous literary achievement, I propose a high tea filled with tartlets--and of course I will invite some of my own. What could be more scrumptious and cream filled, loves??? Hell, with the holidays upon us we needed as much cream filled stuff as we can take. Because this is the month when our figures, girls, go out the door, until spring when we have to don our Easter finery. But that seems a long way off till then. So meantime enjoy some tea and tartlets of your own, whether that be desert or the company you keep, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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