Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Girls, You Won't Believe The News I Have To Tell You!!!!!

Some things were just meant to be, I guess. There I was at my computer this morning, when by sheer accident, what should I discover but that Julie Powell herself is going to be at Barnes and Noble across the street from yours truly at Lincoln Center, reading from her new book, "Cleaving--A Story of Meat, Marriage and Obsession." So on Friday two famous bloggers are going to come face to face, and darlings I promise to give a blow by blow account of things right here. What I am hoping Julie can do, in addition to signing my book, is tell me what is the perfect meal to snare a husband, because, honey, whatever she says I will cook it!!!!!

Isn't this exciting? And then after that I head to Audrey's for her gallery showing, and I am telling you this butterfly is scurrying all over the place. Now if I just had someone to scurry with.

Then I understand I am to have a special meeting tomorrow, which is supposedly not bad, but who am I kidding? So we will recount this, girls, it probably has to do with disturbed lesbians, or at least one particularly disturbed lesbian I know. Who happens to be disturbed NOT because she is a lesbian, but just because she IS DISTURBED!!!!!!

I know I have been promising an account of my ghostly visitiation and I will get to that soon, lambs, and in 2010 I want to liven things up here by incorporating ficition. Now don't for a minute think that what you have been reading here all along is fiction, though some may claim that. This is my life, and it is the living truth!!!!! And if you don't like it, try passing the entrance exam at Miss Porter's!!!!

So now I have to get home tonight and figure out what I am going to wear to face Julie on Friday. Maybe there will be vodka gimlets!!!! I need something, darlings, that is for sure!!!! At least a frozen margaritta with salt!!!!!!

Hope all your margarittas are salted, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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