Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Deep In December, It's Nice To Remember....

Can you believe we are already into the 12th month of the year. 2009 is beginning to wind down and I for one will be glad to see it go. Not that there weren't some high spots, but it was a rather difficult time. And while 2010 may be so, at least for now it is an unknown quanitity.

Speaking of the unknown, girls, let me tell you--two Saturdays ago, after getting home from my friend Mike's party, and falling into a stupored sleep, I was awakened by a malignant presence I felt in my room. I turned to the left, and there was this withered looking crone, like the housekeeper from "House On Haunted Hill," glaring malevolently at me. She was in a spinster jumper dress with matching sleeves and socks, something like Kathy Bates' wardrobe as Annie Wilkes in "Misery." She did not seem friendly. Some friends feel I was visited by a ghost--now I ask you, why couldn't the ghost have been glamorous??? I mean, like Ava Gardner? Isn't glamour what I have tried to instill in all of you, my darlings, so you would think the spirit world would respond in kind. Alas. I cannot figure out if this signals my death or what. It certainly signals my love life, which for all intents and purposes is dead anyway, unless I cook a fabulous meal and land a husband. Heaven help me, are you hearing me??? Please, can't you hear me cry? Oh, well, enough with the Janis Joplin.

Tonight I have a retirement party to go to, and I am sure it will be the social event of this work place. And let me tell you, honey, this work place needs a social event, what with Christmas coming up. And tonight they light the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. Girls, I am telling you there is so much going on we hardly have time to curl our hair or do our nails. At least we are not forgetting to moisturize. I should have given some moisturizer to my ghostly vistior--hell, she needed it. Especially since she looked like hell. But we are going to look fabulous, girls; I threw on a new sweater this morning, so don't forget to tune in for a full report of tonight's proceedings, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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