Thursday, December 3, 2009

Darlings, Such Fun We Had Last Night!!!!!!!

Sweethearts, last night retirement gala for our colleague Sara was more than one could hope. The wine flowed freely, resident photographer and successor to Annie Liebowitz, Tema, snapped incessantly, and the speeches were cogent and heartfelt, espcecially during this, to borrow from Dickens, "epoch of incredulity" we live in. You know the event was a success because it was attended by those two social doyennes of New York, Janice and Annette, whose stamp on a party guarantees it is the one to attend!!!! Forget Anna Wintour, girls, this is the duo that sets the social and fashion tones in this town!!!!!

It warmed the cockles of this blogger's heart, and it warmed Sara's, I could tell. But, darlings, I can feel the hands of time closing in. For although I am STILL--yes STILL--professionally 24, I can still remember when Sara's Danny was just a little bitty thing, and now he is all grown up!!!!!! Where has the time gone???? Thank God the price of moisturizer is still affordable!!!! And that I don't yet have to resort to a cream rinse!!!!!!

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