Sunday, December 27, 2009

Darlings, I Am Coming Back, Like Dolly Levi!!!!!!!

Well, girls, please God--help!--this afternoon I should be enroute back to New York, which hopefully will get me there in time to sing in the choir, which needs my show stopping Broadway voice, lambs, to carry on. And won't James look SO pretty????? I am telling you it has been quite a holiday, what with children, "Sherlock Holmes," and Santa Baby, while not slipping a sable or a man under my tree, slipping enough under there to make it a worthwhile Christmas. And now back to the dentist tomorrow--ugh--and then a whole week to blog with my girls, and put some cleaning touches on the apartment, and fill the kitchen with an assortment of dishes. Now I have mastered wine opening, I am ready for beef bourgenon and chickens awx champignons!!! So watch out, darlings, I am still on the lookout for a husband, and armed with the ammunition to get one.

Completed "Wolf Hall," which is book #105, and now working on #106, which is "Orlando" by Virginia Woolf. Just do not think I will make it to my record breaking 114 last year, but let us hope I can make it to some movies and a hair appointment, girls!!!

So this is my last missive to you in PA, loves. When next you hear I should be back in the nabe, armed and ready to go!!!!!!

Happy Holiday Week, loves!!!!!!!!!

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