Sunday, December 27, 2009

Darlings, Bieber Is A Bitch!!!!!

That's right, girls! Bieber, not beaver. I am talking about the Bieber bus company, which brought me down here to King of Prusia PA, and was supposed to take me back home to NYC, and still might, only we do not know when. The latest hopeful sign is a 6:10 express, which will put be back in the city at the standard 8:10, which puts the prospect of Dignity and choir pretty much out of reach this week. But if those two rude bitches working the King of Prussia office had had their act together, and not so much ATTITUDE, this could have been avoided, and instead of driving back and forth to the bus stop all day, we could have planned an extra day hear, knowing I would not be leaving till 6:10 PM. Well, I sure will next time, that is IF Bieber is still running things, because, dolls, when I get through complaining they may not be. And those two scabs are going to be fired if I have anything to say about it. I am telling you, you do NOT mess with a New York City bitch, and believe me I am one NEW YORK CITY BITCH!!!!!!!!!!

So let's hear a bitch for Bieber, the bitchingest of bus companies! And that is not a compliment, darlings.

Hope to see you in New York, loves!!!!!!!!!

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