Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Well. Girls, I Am Back....Sort Of!!!!!!!!!!!!

The year is winding down, darling, and of course things are still not running smoothly. Have to try to have my endocrinologist phone in a perscription for thyroid med, or I am going to have to go to his office tomorrow to beg for one! "The Lovely Bones," which I considered seeing a second time, may no longer be playing at Linclon Square, so to hell with that. And I have been laid up for two days; Sunday with the trip from Hell back to NYC, and then a migraine/sickness the next day, which meant cancelling a dental appt. So now I am blogging, have got to get something in my stomach, and then high tail it into the city. Darlings, I hope all this drama does not bode for 2010; this year was rough enough, I do not need more!!!!!

And New Years Eve! It may just be dinner with the Girls at Good Stuff, and that is it!!!! When you have no husband, what is the alternative? But, darlings, I am not giving up because I know, girls, I am still fabulous, and someday it will be rewarded. In the meantime, I have to run, because there is just so much to do today that I will have to get up at my usual work time tomorrow. So much for vacations being relaxing; though, at least I am not dealing with Grotesque Creatures!!!!!

Happy Countdown, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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