Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Darlings, This Is A Special Anniversary Of Sorts!!

Girls, as might be expected, it is an anniversary, only I would know, since it is all about moi. Few things on here are not, darlings!!!!! It goes back 45 years, when I was in fourth grade and in that bitch Norma Brodsky's class. Norma Brodsky, who could not deal with a student of superior intellect in a class full of dummies, and who had not comprehension on how to deal with a child who was ready for Dickens and Melville, as I was that year, darlings. And I had already gone through the entire Childhood Of Famous Americans series. Well, on this day 45 years ago, began a phase of life that still continues, lambs; it is when I got my first pair of glasses. Girls, it was so exciting--first of all, because it was a new accessory, and even at that age, darlings, I recongnized the importance of accessorization. I told you I was ahead of everyone else. It also made me feel intellectual, because back then I thought only intellectuals wore glasses, and Iwanted to be among the intelligensia. Of course, TODAY I know that is not true; some of the world's prize dummies wear glasses. Neverhtless today I have been wearing them for 45 years.

Some readers, having gleaned my darker passages, feel I have a chip on my shoulder. Let me clarify that, darlings. I have NO regrets about the post high school phase of my life, but have bitter eternal resentment towards those first twelve years, and how they were handled. The consequences, of course, were that, had they been handled better, had I been accorded the treatement I SHOULD have, I would have gone farther in life than I would, and would by now have the fame and adulation I crave. But I am not dead yet, darlings, which means I am not going to stop craving it, until I get it, and you can complain all you want about this chip on my shoulder, but let me tell you, lambs, I will bitch you down until you are dead. So go on, hons, bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It looks like I am going to clock out at only 107 or 108 books for 2009, which is down from last year's record breaker of 114. But a new year begins on Friday, and as Grace Slick said at Wooodstock, "It's a new dawn!"

See you at auld lang syne, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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