Thursday, December 31, 2009

Auld Lang Syne, Darlings, Auld Lang Syne!!!!!

Well, girls, these are the last words you will hear from me in 2009, and thank God for that. Kiss this year goodbye, and point me towards tomorrow. Not that all was done for love, but a lot wasn't, including dealing with some fucking sons of bitches whom I hope vanish in some way during the coming year. But that is just me being a bitch, darlings.

What have we learned from 20009? Well--

1. That I am SO FABULOUS darlings. I am telling you, SO FABULOUS!

2. That while Grotesque Creatures still exist, and got something of a downfall during 2009
they can and will be destroyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. That if Jennifer Jones--Jennifer Jones, darlings-- can die, what chance do the rest of us have?

4. That Meryl Streep and Amy Adams are DIVINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. That Julie Powell taught us that men can reclaim the kitchen for themselves!!!!!!!!11
6. That The New York Times is no longer the arbiter of literary taste, as they proved this
year they don't know kiss-all about it. The arbiter from now on is MOI!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. That the older one gets, girls, you cannot be without your compact!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. That I need a husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. That fools are not to be suffered gladly!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10. And that you are all my fabulous girls out there, so a happy 2010 to ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

That is about it, darlings! Have fun and be safe whatever you do this evenings, and remember I will be here for another year to guide you through not only my life but what you can do about yours, darlings!!!!!!

Happy New Year, Loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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