Friday, January 1, 2010

HappY New Year, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, here we are, the first day of 2010, and already I am reading my second book, "Lucky" by Alice Sebald, which may be one reason why I feel like such a bitch! The other is this dream I had last night about a certain Grotesque Creature, which shows how I truly feel about returning to work to associate with said Creature. But we just had a fabulous Brunch, darlings, and that Harvey is a Steel Magnolia. Now I just have to get through this January malaise that all that bodes for the forthcomig year is tragedy; hell, I have no idea, maybe I will even find a husband. Though I have my douts. But last night, girls, you better believe I was the New Year Baby, prancing around naked, and a good thing no one looked in or they might have had a coronary.

Of course it took me back to 27 years before, and to memories of Mrs. Tabachnik and her children.

It was New Years Eve 1982, and I was on my own in what would turn out to be the last year in my home town. My father was in Florida. I decided to have dinner at Tabachnik's, the local Jewish deli, go home, watch the festivities and go to bed. Well, during the meal, an argument broke out between Mrs. Tabachnik and her children. Apparently her son wanted to go into New York to the Times Square ball dropping, he and she were arguing, and his sister, also a teen but a year or two younger, was trying to maintian piece. Suddenly, the mother becomes overwrought and screams loudly, at the son, "Listen, if I hear you went into New York tonight, YOUR ball is going to drop!" Well, darling, the place was packed, but suddenly all talking stopped, silverware dropped, and there was completel silence. After a beat, the daughter turned to her mother and said, "Well, Ma, they heard THAT!"

I wonder whatever became of Mrs. Tabachnik and those children. Make sure your ball does not drop this year, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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