Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Darlings, I;m Not Exactly Feeling Like "Gigi", But... least, girls, something from yesterday has lifted. With just two days to go till the Anuual Workplace Christmas Party, tension is high as to whether it is going to be "Turkey Lurkey Time" or a free for all! I just hope Grotesque Creatures keep away.

Lambs, I just cannot believe it! I just took a quiz called "Am I A Bitch?" and would you believe I flunked? I, who was Advanced Placement in school? And I certainly was Advanced Placement Bitch!!!! But I flunked this quz, scoring only a 57! Sweehearts, let me tell you, I am 100% bitch!
If you need me to be a bitch, believe me I can oblige. I got first rate training in Highland Park, New Jersey, from some of the finest bitches I know. It just goes to show these online quzzes are so bogus; hell I would probably score 100% on a serial killer profile, even though everyone knows I am not interested in being a SK, I want to catch one. But perhaps a litte distancing from "The Lovely Bones" is improving my perspective, what with reading the Booker Award Winning
"Wolf Hall" by Hilary Mantel, and then maybe "Orlando" by Virginia Woolf.

And tonight I have to march down to the world famous Malibu, where the elite meet to eat, and then dash over to the Irish Rep Theater to see the musical "Earnest In Love." Darlings, it could make my holiday season. Let's hope it is charming, lighthearted fare, which is just what I need. And all this hysteria can go kiss my ass!!!!! So let me tell you, I have a full program ahead, and I don't plan to stop this anytime soon. As long as my panties stay fresh, I know I will be OK.
Make sure your panties are at their freshest, girls--especially those you pack for the Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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