Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Darlings, Sometimes We Just Have To Go To Some Dark Places!!!!

Well, girls, we finished "The Lovely Bones" this morning, and let me tell you, Alice Sebold is not afraid to go to some dark places. And judging from what I know about her previous work, "Lucky" (which I am dying to read, lambs!) and of course "The Almost Moon," you have to hand it to her. So it is not surprising that I go to some dark places to, where I think about death as being more peaceful than this struggle for nothing life--rife with debt, loneliness (no life partner, no relationships even when I try to establish one) going home alone, getting older--how much worse can it get? Cancer, sure; but who knows that could be and is most likely coming. Right now I am so filled with anger for things being white elephanted at work, as well as the prospect of a partner not being anywhere in sight? I mean, what is the point of anything; even this, darlings, which has not netted me the movie or book deal I think I need to land me happiness. Hell, if it landed me someone, anyone--even someone who wanted me for my fame, at least that would be wanting ME. But don't worry; I am not about to travel once more down paths previouisly ventured, a la Chris or Daniel. What I would like to travel down some new path, even if it isn't a path I exprected. At least I would be travelling somewhere. Is it any wonder I want to go one on one with a serial killer, which I probably did last January 6 with that Long Island guy at the Woodside station. And I can still see him, and if he is out there, I will get that sick fuck!!!! See how just burting with anger and rage I am, girls? And here Christopher thinks I am back to my old self, that I've been quiet these past few months. Well, I have....waiting and planning to strike and kill...in my own inimitable way, of course. Meanwhile, darlings, I have just started "Wolf Hall" and aren't we thrilled, and I can have dinner with the girls tonight, and who knows maybe there will be a free for all at the meteting tonight. Girls, things have to change, and we will see what happens. Meantime, keep doing your hair and nails becauce the emphasis on beauty can never be streeed enough. Cream your faces tonight, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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