Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Darlings, Things In Glocca Morra Were Never Like This!!!

Well, girls, we had quite a day, but it was not the day we expected. Actually, things really began 36 hours before. Now, we all know Amy Adams is pregnant, right? Well, I was so excited, I decided to email my friend Tom (the cherub) the news. Well, he was thrilled, too, but imagine my shock when I was told he had been laid off from his job the week before. This is unfair of Capitalism to Cherubs!!!! It is Cherub Discrimination, and I for one want you to know I am against it. But we still had the show to look forward to. And I must say Tom is handling the whole thing admirably--acting like he is on a vacation, which, in a sense, he is, and planning to enjoy the Holidays in spite of it. As am I.

THEN it began. Just before leaving work yesterday, I get an email from my sister, saying something had happened with our father, and she would message me at home. I knew then and there that I would have to start hunting for ticket takers to this show--there were two others--and I thought of Tom immediately. When I got home to my spacious apartment, darlings, there were two messages--one from my nephew Jonathan, tellinng me not to worry, and another from his mother, my sister, detailing what happened.

It seems that in the wee hours of the previous morning, my father experienced chest pains--he has done so before. And like before he did not tell anyone until it was too late for active action. So he and my sister spent last night in the hospital ER, after he was shipped there by ambulance, where he was, of course, admitted, and their trip was cancelled. I am sure I will have more info when I get home tonight, but I have just GOT to say--HONESTLY, every time something like this is planned with my father, it turns out, due to health or weather, he cannot make it. Which makes me wonder if he really subconsciously WANTS to in the first place. Which pisses me off, and disappoints ME, because this was a first rate production of a show that has not been revived on Broadway since 1947, and with a gorgeous score, and voices and production values to match, it was just about perfection. And at 94 it would have been good for him to have gone out with seeing a winner on Broadway. I am telling you, if he goes to Judy's tomorrow I will be furious!!!!! But we shall see. At least Tom and John enjoyed "Finnian's Rainbow," and at least I was able to get John as a third ticket taker. Too bad for me John has David for a partner, because I would go out with him. Alas, a spinster blogs.

This morning I was awakened out of a sound sleep, where I dreamt I was visiting Stanley Tucci and Meryl Streep, when there was a knock on the door, and in bounded my friend Audrey--whose Chanukah party we are attending on Sunday, darlings!--bearing gifts. What is that all about, I wonder. I had offered John a chance to see the show, but he was unable, being his office Christmas luncheon was being held that afternoon, but the man has a way with words that the courtroom does not even know about, and honey, we talked!!! I felt so relaxed afterwards, I was able to have my coffee, and face the challenge of today, where I succeeded in using all the tkts. Now I have to face the challenge of what I am going to hear at home tonight!!!

Girls, it is not easy. And I have not even begun to Christmas shop. But with my floating holiday on Friday, a visit to the MET Christmas tree and maybe "The Lovely Bones" (how cheerful is that?) maybe things will fall into place.

On the other hand, if I end up having to go to PA this weekend, I will NOT be surprised!!!!!

Hope you day was less drama ridden, girls! But if mine were, there would be no blog, and you would have nothing to read? See what being fabulous does for one?????

Cheers to all my darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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