Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Well, Girls, It Is Certain!!!!!!

Yes, darlings, Amy Adams--OUR Amy--is pregnant. Which means we are all going to get behind Amy and have that baby with her. Except that there is some DOUBT about the parentage. Most think her fiancee, handsome Darren Le Gerro (and he BETTER be handsome, if he is going out with our Amy, and treat her well) is the father, but I favor the theory that the baby is actually Meryl Streep's. After all, if Meryl wants fo father a child by Amy Adams then she will, because nothing is impossible for Meryl. And wouldn't it be fabulous, girls, if it WAS Meryl's baby? Twice the beauty and talent.

Tomorrow we have a big day what with a snowstorm and family plans--of course--to see "Finnian's Rainbow" with my 94 year old father, I just hope things turn out OK. Just like I hope my love life does, but unfortunately there seem to be these little blips that appear on my life like a radar screen and then disappear but do not materialize. I want my wedding, my gown--by Vera Wang, you better believe it!, and my suburban house in Great Neck Long Island. Am I asking too much, I just want this, and a book and movie deal? And to tell certain people who need to be told off!!!! Alas, tonight it is just dinner with Girls, and then reading and bed. And then people tell me they want my fabulous life!!! Well, honey, it's not for sale, but let me just say--fabulousness comes with a price!!!!!!

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