Monday, December 7, 2009

Darlings, We Just Had To Get Out The Flannel Nightie!!!!!!!!!!

Welll girls, you would not believe it, but by the time I got home to my parlor on Saturday night, the temperature had dropped so, the wind was howling like "Wuthering Heights," and I was so frigid I had to warm up with tea and a shower. That is when I made the decision to sleep in my green flannel nightie, and darlings, let me tell you, I felt so warm and toasty. Not nearly as toasy as cozing with a man, but in this instance the flannel would do. I thought some men I would like to cuddle with, particularly Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal, who I hear is just stunning in the movie "Brothers" which I am just bursting at the pants seams to see!!!! And the great acting, too!

Lambs, the word on the street is that Amy Adams--yes, OUR Amy--is pregnant!!!! Now, I refuse to believe this until I hear from Amy herself. I mean, does Meryl know about it? Has anyone talked to her? One thing for sure--IF Amy IS preganat, you had better believe it is an Immaculate Conception because like La Divine Meryl Amy is PURE and is not going to go through that birthing baby stuff!!!! But you just know the baby will be the most beautiful and brilliant, coming from Miss Amy Adams, so until I hear from Amy I will refrain from any more observations, but when I do I will let you know!!!!!

And once again I am in for a long haul at work, thinking next week was my late night, when this evening is!!! Can you believe it???? So I am going to sign off, finish "The Children's Book," and get on with my life. Darlings, we have such a week, what with "Finnian's Rainbow" on Wednesday and the Metropolitan Christmas Tree on Friday, not to mention the possibility of seeing "The Lovely Bones" on opening day--I am telling you, at this time of year it just does not stop!!!!!

So stay tuned and behave, girls! And I promise the minute I hear confirmation from Amy, I will let you know!!!!!!

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