Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, Darlings!!!!!

Well, girls, here we are, the Festive Christmas!!!!! No stopping it from coming it came, as the Grinch says. Girls, we are looking forward to our celebration, to the fact that we all have made it through this year to another Christmas, and to the presents, and the arrival of les petits enfants, which, girls, after a visit with them, will make me feel SO glad I am homosexual, and cannot have children!!!!!!

But a Christmas greeting to all my readers out there; I love you all, and know you just love my fabulousness, darling. Here is hoping I can activate some changes will I return to NYC --even a Catholic singles group, if it will land me a partner!!!! There has to be someone out for me, and that is my most fervent Christmas wish. So in the meantime, cuddle up to those you do have and cherish them, while I drink my spinsterhood away via a bottle of Dom Perignon!!!!!
Merry Christmas, loves! And yes I am posting this dressed in my red plaid flannel nightie!!!! Picture that, girls!!!!! Darlings, I am SO GOROGEOUS!!!!!!

Love to all, my lambs!!!!!!!!!!!

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