Thursday, December 24, 2009

Soon It Will Be Christmas Eve, Darlings!!!!!!!!!

It has arrived, girls, which means tonight I curl up in front of the fireplace in my red plaid Christmas flannel nightie, sipping coffee, eating cookies, reading Jane Austen by the fireplace...and , honey, you better believe this is how I do Christmas Eve. Don't forget watching Midnight Mass from St. Patrick's this eve, after attending our own personal Christmas mass at St. Teresa's, where the baby Jesus, darlings, FINALLY makes his debut. And isn't he cute???? It would just warm the cockles of the heart of Father Guido Sarducci. My heart will be warmed by the festive holiday cheer, and the hopeful possibility that I may not be alone all my life; hell, this was starting to lift, as soon as I arrived yesterday, dolls, so you better believe that Christmas Eve is special. So have yourself a Merry, loves, and I will make a special effort tomorrow to post a SPECIAL Christmas Day blog, dressed in my red flannel nightie, while I do it. Picture that, girls!!!!!!!!

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