Thursday, December 24, 2009

Darlings, We Have Travelled Down The Dixie Sunny Shore!!!!

Well, girls, not really, but here we are in the Keystone state of Pennysylvania, where, by the way, darlings, they filmed "The Lovely Bones," so watch out, all you PA'ers, for guys in your neighborhood who gives you a dollhouse for Christmas. Sweetheart, let me tell you, I never played with dollhouses. It was strictly Colorforms--Miss Cookie's Kitchen, and the Debbie Reynolds Dress Designer Kit, loves.

But in any case, we are here, ensconced in a snow filled suburban landscape, where my father, at 94, is reigning with difficulty, as he tries to maintain his Irish independence over anyone else.
Can you see now, girls, why I need a husband. My young nephew, Matthew, and his lovely wife, Cyndi, are here and I have to get them to teach me to open a wine bottle, because cooking with wine is the final phase in my Amy Adams/Julie Powell culinary journey, and I have got to make th goddmned beef bourgenon and chicken aux champignons!!!!!

So let's all have a fabulous holiday season, and hope that thing turn around in 2010. And be sure to avoid all social deviants, darlings--no one who is NOT a Miss Porter's graduate!!!!!

Happy Holidays, loves!!!!!!!!

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