Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Girls, The Countdown Has Begun!!!!

Well, darlings, we have finished our Christmas shopping, still have to pack, clock it out of here tomorrow at noon, and all while nursing the fact that another year looms and no propsect of any real change--ie; a partner. I have even tried drug addicts and bipolars, all to no avail. And I have had no luck with more stable types, either. I mean, what is wrong with me? Even serial killers, like John Gacy, have been married, and I sure as hell ain't no serial killer, honey!!! So what gives. I am beginning to feel what is the point of going on, if I am going to wind up alone. I mean, after my father, and my sister, what is left? Would you believe I had therapy this morning? You wouldn't, girls, after reading this!!!!

What is the answer? A trip to the hair salon is a temporary fix. Maybe I should just pull up stakes and move somewhere else--like London, or Ireland. Hell, I wish some religious order would take me; I would be less alone there. If I do not lick this thing in 2010, I do not know if I can go on.

Nevertheless, I am reading and blogging and keeping all you girls informed. My panties are clean, and I am ready to pack tonight. I have all my meds, which from the above you better believe I have!!!!! Now if only I can jump start my emotional state. I DO NOT ACCEPT BEING ALONE!!!!! Even addicts live in a halfway house!

Things just better improve, girls, or drastic steps will be taken. In the meantime, I am going to wish you all the best, and hopefully, girls, a big Christmas blog from me on the 25th!!!!!! I may be down, but you are still my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

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