Monday, December 21, 2009

Girls, I Am Not Through Yet!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all, darlings, tributes from all over the world continue to pour in for Miss Jennifer Jones. I had a phone call yesterday, darling, only was not home to receive it. Now, let me enlighten you out there on why Miss Jones' passing is so cataclysmic.

You have to understand, darlings, in the war ravaged America of 1943 appeared suddenly this film of inspirational beauty, entitled "The Song of Bernadette." Playing the title role was Jones, who seemingly sprung out of nowhere, and out of nowhere gives a performance--GIVES A PERFORMANCE, DARLINGS!!!-that breaks new ground in film acting with its internalization, and paved the way for future actresses, such as Meryl Streep! That's right, honey, Meryl owes a lot to Jennifer Jones, and you better believe she knows it!!! As do all of us who were influenced by her, wanting to look like her, wear her hair like her! Darlings, she defined beauty for well over a half century!!!!! I still boil rose petals, girls!!!!!

But I am going to be boiling mad if I don't get my Christmas shopping done, something in my stomach--food, lambs, not a man--and books read, presents wrapped, clothes packed--girls, even on vacation it never stops!!!! Not to mention I need some hot action, but fat chance of that!!!!! And yesterday, we saw "The Hurt Locker" and let me tell you how disturbing it was!!!!
The war, the violence, and then Jeremy Renner's hunky man chest!!!!! He can straddle me anytime, girls!!!! Anyway, time is a wasting, this is supposed to be the shortest day of the year--like I can tell?--so I better get busy. In case I am off here for awhile, I want to wish a special Christmas wish to all my girls, heat up that Yule Log and get those fires going!!!!!

Shop until we drop, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!111

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