Saturday, December 19, 2009

Darlings, There Is So Much To Report!!!!!!

Well, girls, on this, the third day of this new post-Jennifer Jones era, let me tell you about the first time I saw "Since You Went Away." Oh, my God! When I saw the famous farewell scene at the train station--the GREATEST of all farewell scenes, girls!--I was so tearful and overcome I had to run to the bathroom in hysterics. Just like Jones did on the set of the film, which demonstrates that even in life we were channeling each other, darlings.

I am also here to report that last night's Annual Christmas Party went off surprisingly well in spite of the remarkably subuded tone compared to other years. There were no free for alls--too bad, in one respect--but things did get a little Tolkeinesque, what with Grotesque Creatures lurking about. Fortunately, they did not step out of their primordial lairs and cross those of us they dare not cross!!!!!! And while I did not quite feel like Donna McKechnie as Vivien Della Hoya, it was lovely seeing old familar faces, and let me tell you, darlings, the debut of Red Velvet Cake at this party was a definite highlight. Girls, if --only IF--my wedding is held, Red Velvet will be my wedding cake, because it is just like me--white and pure on the outside, and sizzling red on the inside. And don't forget my Vera Wang wedding gown!!!!!

Mr. Mayer looked simply FABULOUS, and wouldn't he make an excellent Lady Bracknell in "The Importance of Being Ernest?" Just as I would make a FABULOUS Miss Prism. I am so glad Miss P got a musical number in the musical "Ernest In Love;" sweetheart, I am ready to take it on!!!!!! Drinks flowed at the party, food was consumed, and a good time was generally had by all, but the absence of the Misses Janice and Annette left us wondering, as this would be the first party NOT to make the Social Register!!!!!! Their abscence left an indelible mark of omission and had guests wondering why--was it a gala? dinner at Anna's? or an evening of reading Walter Scott while listening to Janice's mother recall her ribald days as a Selznick contract player, having lunch with Joan Fontaine at the Brown Derby????? Darlings, what becomes a legend most? Janice and her mother!!!! And the presence of Tema, our Queen of Crudites was very much in evidence, and her spirit will always hover over those crudites; no matter where she goes Tema will always regin as Queen.

There is even more, girls! Do you know what today IS? Well, first of all, 52 years ago tonight "The Music Man" opened on Broadway at the Majestic Theatre and conferred stardom on two performers named Robert Preston and Barbara Cook, and Miss Cook is still going strong, honey!!!! And also this is the birthday of our beloved Jake Gyllenhaal, that happy, smiling Precious Lamb with those SO pretty eyes and smile, and let me tell you, no one is as good as Jake when he is playing bad. And, girls, you know I want to get BAD with Jake!!!!!

So have a piece of Jake cake today and honor his scrumptiousness. Personally, I would like a piece of Jake--and what a piece!!!!--but tonight it is just cake for me, girls!!!!!!!!

Yes, it has been quite a 24 hours!!!! Miss Dinah Washingotn was not kidding!!!!

Toodles, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!

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