Friday, December 18, 2009

Darlings, I Am Emotionally Devastated By The Death Of Jennifer Jones!!!!!!

Girls, you better believe I watched "The Song of Bernadette" in penitence on my knees--ON MY KNEES, darlings--as a tribute to one who epitomized glamour coupled with humanitarian causes. I am sure right now Jennifer and Bernadette Soubirous are sitting at a table drinking Starbucks. Bernadette is telling Miss Jones what the movie did and did not get right. One thing I am sure Bernadette is bound to say is "Honey, you were far too pretty to play me!" I am sure they will be joined by Mother Teresa, drinking Pabst and smoking a stokie, dressed in her familar white outfilt with blue trim, but Gucci heels, who will concur with Bernadette, saying to Jennifer, "Let me tell you something, doll! Sainthood ain't pretty!"

Yet in spite of this I must rally and be glamorous like our Miss Jones. I must get into the city, get a bus tkt to PA, do Christmas shopping, read, and then troop uptown to the Annual Workplace Christmas Party, where I will do my best to be like Donna McKechnie as Vivien Della Hoya in "Promises, Promises!" But who knows if this party will be "Turkey Lurkey Time" or a free for all! Inquiring minds want to know, and, girls, I will be sure to report back tomorrow on what went on tonight. So a tribute to Jennifer Jones and watch one of her films over the weekend! And don't forget the rose petals on the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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