Thursday, December 17, 2009

The World As We Know It Has Ended!!!!

Well, girls at around 4PM today I heard the sad news--Jennifer Jones, who stunned the world with her stunning Academy Award winning performance in "The Song of Bernadette" bade farewell to this world, at the age of 90. With her goes another remnant of glamour, and now there are only three left--Janice, Annette and Blythe Danner. That's it. After that, it is goodbye for glamour. I mean, do you think Anna or Grace Coddington could compete with any of these!
I don't think so, girls!

Tomorrow I have the day off, so I intend to watch "The Song of Bernadette" and apply fresh rose petals to my face, which as anyone who should knows, is the official Jennifer Jones Beauty Regimen. I can guarantee you that when she went, her hair and her skin were perfect!!! Make sure yours is perfect at all times, girls, for if Jennifer Jones can die, what does that say about the rest of us??? So we had better be ready; this is a perfect example of why I am telling you how it is always important to look your best and wear fresh panties!!!!! I am going to change mine as soon as I get home, darlings!!!!!

Farewell to one of the truly great figures of our time!!!! The performances and films will live on when the rest of us have shuffled off this mortal coil.

And maybe before then I will have found a husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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