Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Darlings, It Made Me Feel Like A Princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What did, girls? Why, the new Amy Adams movie, "Leap Year, of course." Darlings, this is OUR AMY as we love her at her most AMY--charming, attractive, and captivating anyone whose path she crosses. I am telling you, the opening scene, where she is getting fitted for the maroon dress--OH, MY GOD!!!! You just want to drink in every aspect of beauty that is Amy Adams, with that gown, and the red hair cascading over those alabaster shoulders!!!!!! Darlings, no wonder we all want to look like her!!!! Who wouldn't??? You think George Bush does not want to look like Amy Adams? The way HE looks NOW?????????

And last night we had book club at Audrey's, discussing "Orlando," and Audrey made use of her superb hostess skills as well. Actually, she is a lot like Amy Adams in this film--an urban career woman who crosses continents and conquers men!!!!! Wish that could be me, darling, but I have not seen anyone lately I want to conquer or want them to conquer me!!!!!!!

And that bitch Norma Brodsky, or whatever she is now! Turning up in my mother's cookbook--since when were they such close friends?--trying to prevent me from advancing with Dickens and Melville, which I will never forgive her for!!!! Goddamn education bitch!!! Leave me alone!!!! I should have been in National Honor Society!!!! I should be a lot further along!!!!!

But, as Bonnie Franklin says, it is just One Day At A Time, and this day is almost over.
Still harbouring culinary and lingerie fantasies of Mr. Stanley Tuccci; can you believe he did not win the Golden Globe??? Well, he is always a winner to me. As is the Divine Meryl, who DID win last night, and, honey, it is about time!!!!

See how Meryl keeps her skin, girls???? And at 60!!!!!!!!!! Now go out and do likewise!!!!!!!!!! We may not be able to be as Divine as Meryl, but we can spark the divinity that is in us!!!!!!!!

Love you all, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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