Monday, January 18, 2010

Girls, E.Y. Harburg Was Right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Mozart died a pauper.
Homer begged for bread.
Genius pays you handsomely.
Always when you're dead."

Darlings, truer words were NEVER spoken, and you better believe this comes from the man who lyricized "Over The Rainbow." My point is I am quite aware and almost accepting of the knowlege that MY genius, like what I record on this blog, will go unrecognized until after I am dead. While this will not stop me while living from seeking my Entitled Fifteen Minutes, you better believe I am aware of the truth of the above.

Speaking of awareness, girls, we did get to visit John in the nursing home, and found him in relatively good spirits, though frail, as one must seem in such a dispiriting place. My visit with John was lovely; I should have ordered in tea, so maybe next time, but, darlings, when I was leaving in the elevator I found myself praying, "Please, God, take me before something happens to me like this!"

Then last night at Dignity we had the famed marriage feast at Cana. You better believe Mary--yes, girls, THE Mary--knew the score, the importance of having wine at a wedding, and she made damn sure Jesus did something about it. So drink one for Mary, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

My roasted rooted veggies are waiting for lunch, maybe with some pasta and wine. Can you believe Stanley Tucci was robbed at last night's Golden Globes??? What is the poor man to do? Now he needs more comfort, and it is right here--we LOVE YOU, Stanley!!!!!! Fortunately the Divine Miss Meryl got awarded for "Julie and Julia." Stanley's time is coming, girls, mark my words, just like Amy Adams!!!! And speaking of Amy we are headed into the city to see her film TODAY!!!!!!

Nothing further from those attacking, wrong side of the track bitches!!!!! Guess they know better than to mess with this aristocratic bitch, girls!!!!!!!!! So have yourself an aristocracy of a day; get your hair done, and tea!!!!!!!!!!

See you, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

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