Sunday, January 17, 2010

Girls, The Path To Spiritual Salvation Lies With The Gospel According To Bonnie Tyler!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, let me tell you, lately it seems every time I am out someplace I hear "Total Eclipse Of The Heart." Which I would love to sing on national television, and see Donna McKechnie dance to as a dance piece. It seems Bonnie is telling me to be strong and keep on persevering, as those of us who only wanna make it right do. But if I had a man, oh, honey, together we could take it to the end of the line!!!!!

Spent some time in the kitchen yesterday, girls--no, not with Stanley Tucci, though I was certainly channeling his spirit as well as Amy Adams--where I made a fabulous dish of roasted root vegetables!!!! So much to eat, and some nice wine to guzzle it down with. Hope I do not turn into Susan Hayward in "I'll Cry, Tomorrow," girls!!!!!!!!!!!

Got a late start this morning, so here I am girls, pounding this out, prior to visiting John in hte nursing home. I feel bad as I am the only one who has yet to do so, and while I dread it, I know I must!!!!!!! Heaven help John! I hope this does not happen to me!!!!!!!!

And we have a fabulous extra day of weekend, girls, so who knows what is possible! And we are still curling up with "The Moonstone" on these cold winter nights, and thank God for Mr. Wilkie Collins, who is perfection!!!!!!! To think four years ago this week is the annniversary of my London trip. It seems like forty years. And we all know how THAT turned out, don't we, lambs.

Can you believe one of those attacking bitches referred to me as "Little Miss Used To Be Rich Spinster?" Bitch, first of all I was born of the aristocracy and that will NEVER change, so I will conduct myself as the aristocracy always. Second, darling, the major characteristic of spinsterhood is repressed sexuallity, and, girls, NO ONE has or COULD EVER accuse me of THAT!!!!!!!!! So Miss Jealous Trailer Trash Bitch had better watch what she says, or I will knock the tease out of her hair.

I admdit that ninth grade slut from St Paul's, Chris Oswald, called me a stuck up snob, and you better believe she was right. That tramp should have been put in one of the Magdalene asylums; it would have done her good, because you know how she ended up? Being killed in a car accident, like Ginny Stamper in "Splendor In The Grass." Pay attention, darlings, because this is how girls like this end up, so make sure you conduct yourself with white gloves and like ladies of Miss Porter's, as I do, or else you do not have a chance!!!!!!!!!!!

So pray to Bonnie for salvation, sing 'Total Eclipse' and have a wonderful post weekend, girls!!!!!!! See you at the hair salon; I just got mine done and it looks FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!

You keep looking fabulous too, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!1

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