Friday, January 15, 2010

Darlings, Sometimes Being A Bitch Has Its Advantages!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I have to admit I had such fun being a bitch yesterday. It certainly is cathartic. This is why I am always available to my friends; all I have to say to them is, "Do you need me to be a bitch?" in the case of getting some kind of results, and if the answer is yes, I am off and running, lambs!!! But of course 24/7 bitchiness is wearing on the energy so it is time to take a breather.

My breather will be in the kitchen, where I plan to cook a broccoli with pasta dish, and a chicken aux champignons!!!!! And to roast some root vegegtables. We will see how much of this gets done, darlings, but it IS a goal.

One word about my bitchy tirade yesterday--it is quite obvious I have irrevocab;e chilhood issues, and I was using my opportunity yesterdday to vent them. What I would rather vent is love on all of you, my darlings!!!!!!!!!

So curl up with some white wine and listen to "Hear Anita Bryant In Your Home Tonight" on CD!!!!!! Have you seen the 1960--that is 50 years ago, now--cover, girls? She looks just like Hilary Swank on it. Who knows, it could be Hilary's third Oscar role--a socially crazed evangelical fanatic and lounge level pop singer!!!!! I see another Oscar in Hilary's future, girls!!!!!!!

What I need to see in my future is a man!!! I still would like Stanley to come over and cook me a meal in his skivvies--MMMMMMMMMM , how delicious! The meal, or Stanley? Both!

But honey, my life is like Bonnie Tyler and "Total Eclipse of the Heart"" --"I don't know what to do/I'm always in the dark/Living like a fireplug and giving off sparks!/Forever's gonna start tonight/Forever's gonna start tonight!"

I must be headed for some kind of breakdown, if I am quoting Bonnie Tyler. Oh, well, it is January. but today we ar halfway through it, which means one twenty fourth of 2010!!!!!!!
Hats off, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember, I am SO fabulous. Keep telling yourself that and you will be fine!!!

Have a fantastic weekend, girls! I will be sure to let you know how the dishes turn out!

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