Sunday, January 31, 2010

Darlings, We'll Turn Manhattan Into An Isle Of Joy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let's face it, only I would connect this lyric with a serial killer! That is because I am coming down the home stretch on C.E. Lawrence's "Silent Screams," and the serial killer herein is referencing that song, so I am referencing it in turn. Darlings, this may be a day of rest, but what with cleaning, making the bathroom SPARKLE, which all you girls had better make sure it does; after all, it is where we spend all of our time trying to look our most glamourous for our men--if we have any!!!!!!!!!

This morning I was talking to my friend Rob, one of New Jersery's most artistic and influential choreographers, and the Amy Adams of his community, Mahwah, NJ, and he said that love and fame are the same--we want them, but they never come to us when we are looking for them. So I ask you, darling, just what is a girl to do?

Remember when Liza sang "New York, New York," back in 1977? Not just the year of Son of Sam, and "Annie: opening on Broadway, but the year I graduated from college deas--yes, that is right, and "cum laude" I will have you know, so fuck you to those bitch teachers in Jersey!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, you know the line "If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere?" Hell, some of us sing that line now better than Liza, including yours truly, sweets! But the lyric is a falsity--because those of us who come to New York to make it do so because they simply cannot make it anywhere else. I am certainly proof of that. Like when that bitch on my street, Gloria Shapiro, who became Gloria Schwartz when she married Carl Schwartz whose family owned a local furiniture chain, said she was beginning to believe I was "not real." Just because my interests in arts and litereature were too goddmaned sophisticated and beyond that fucking town!!!! Well, fuck you bitch, I hope your hair is falling out, you are haggard and old, and ready for the canners. You were no Blythe Danner, anyway, though you thought you were that sexually empowered bitch Erica Jong from all the books you had on here in your house. Beat it, Gloria!!!!!!!!!!!

You better believe it is payback time for some people. But right now in the present I have to think about eating something, getting into the city to visit John, and then sing my little heart out tonight.

And to some of my readers be careful--we are through January, one twelfth of 2010 gotten through, BUT tomorrow is Candlemass Eve, so if you are a virgin--are any of MY readers virgins? Darlings, I am PURE, but I am no virgin--watch out! And the next day is Groundhog's Day, the midpoinnt of winter, and also St. Blaise Day, which means pay attention to your throats, which I know all you gay guys do; it is how some of you out there make your living--and I don't mean opera, loves. And then the next day, the third, is Blythe Danner's birthday. That acme of class and sophistication who defines ME, darling, will be 67 years old, and we should all look as good as Blythe when we reach that age. Which will be sometime for me, girls, because my PROFESSIONAL age is still 24!!!!!

But, as the song say, Tell Me On A Sunday, and have yourselves some fun. I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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