Saturday, January 30, 2010

Took A Whole Lot Of Tryin' Just To Get Up That Hill!!!!!!!!!

And, girls, you know it still takes a whole lot of tryin". Darlings, if you were young like I in the 70s'--well, at least younger than I am right now, girls--you just LOOOOOOOOOVED George and Weezy!!!!!! And you know George just deserved every time to have his fat, egotistical butt kicked and Weezy was just the gal to do it!!!! How I miss Isabel Sanford, lambs. But we have to keep trying, just like they did!!!!!!

Speaking of trying, darlings, these days my life feels like a lay (no pun intended, dears!) missionary. Just dinner with the Girls, nursing visits and church--that is what it has all come down to this winter, and I am telling you, a spring thaw is needed both physically and emotionally. David has been moved to Calvary Hospice in the Bronx, where he will reside until the angels come to take him home, which does not seem too far away now. Sending all my good wishes to David, praying for him, and know that we will always be on that rooftop, a la "Merrily.'

And still no word from the VOICE. Well, girls, we are branching out--I am mentioning this blog at every turn, and cards are going to be printed out advertising it. So the word will spread. dears, and then maybe some attention will be paid. Hey, it does not have to be the VOICE. If the Times or Observer want me, they can have me. Hell, I am such a whore for fame, anyone can--just call me, loves!!!!!!

But of course it is all about validation which I did not get in my Jesey hometown and by people like that bitch Norma Brodsky, so I WILL SHOW YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to let our anger run away with us; we still have this day to get through!!! May you all have a fabulous one!!!!! And may the year improve as it continues!!!!!!!!!!!

Love to all, girls!!!!!!!!!!

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