Friday, January 29, 2010

Girls, "King Kong" Is The PERFECT Gay Movie!!!!!!!!!!

And I am talking about the 1933 original, not the little known or seen "King Dong," though of course I have always wondered about the Kong Dong myself, darlings! This is the movie all us girls can fantasize about--being chained to two pillars by muscular, "Mandingo" style native boys, and carried off into the jungle by a great, big, hairy beast!!!!! Sounds fabulous to me, lambs, especially that big, hairy beast.

Speaking of beasts, can you believe no one from the VOICE has acknowledged me? But if you think this will stop me here, my pets, you are mistaken. Last night Mike and I worked at the
Center, and didn't he look like the most exquisite cupcake, darlings, and it was so quiet not even the ever cute Mr. Conroy stopped by. Probably home on that cold winter night, entertaining himself with his stableful of boys, which, if I were any younger, I am sure I would be a part of, and I am sure he has his eye on Mike, who IS younger. This girl is simply going to curl up with
"Screams of Silence," a nice, relaxing, serial killer story, set in New York City. A serial killer in Gotham? Imagine that; though I am telling you he probably commutes to Secaucas, but does his SKing in NYC. Remember, girls, the truly great serial killers are out in the hinterlands.

I doubt if there are any virgins on here, but if there are,girls, lock up on Sunday, February 1. No, not because it is that bitch Lois Jackson's birthday (and she DID get her comeuppance, darlings!) but because it is Candlemass Eve, the night the witches mock the rituals of the Church--and sacrifice a VIRGIN!!!!!!! Now, I may be PURE, darlings, but I do not think the witches want anything to do with me. But if there are any of you out there, I am telling you, you better watch out, or you will find yourself spread out on a slab with Elizabeth Selwyn standing over you with a knife!!!!! And of course, darlings, to celebrate, we willl watch "Horror Hotel," which chronicles the aforementioned. More excitement than Valentine's Day, darlings--guess I will watch "Fatal Attraction" again on that one!!!!

So much anxiety about this year. But, girls, I am not through. So have a lovely weekend, and snuggle up to that cash register of yours, bitches!!!! I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!

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